Unfortunately, this did not happen in real life. But, it would have been hilarious if it did! A lot of companies do bad promotions or don’t think through the way something is pronounced or sounds. This can lead to hilarious and awkward situations.
Illustrating new character sprites and background scenes was the most difficult part of creating this Pizza Bros episode. A total of 3 new backgrounds and 5 new character sprites.
Comedy Writing and Pixel Art Coming Together
We wanted to take The Founders love of rodeo and combine it with upper managements horrible marketing ideas. We ended up coming up with “Buck Off!” Not only does it sound like another dirty word, but it’s actually not a very good deal at all!
Most Fun to Create
Ryan: The most fun for me to illustrate was the black panel that says “But she didn’t say ‘Buck'”
Jessie: The most fun for me to write was the 3 different customer reactions to hearing “Do you wanna ‘Buck Off’?” It was so funny to imagine being each of these customers and how they would react in this situation.