Real life is the inspiration for this episode as with most comedy writing. We had a new assistant general manager get hired at the store. Quite frankly, she was crazy, off putting, and very intense. To top all of this off, she kept moving everything in the store!!
Illustrating the walk in refrigerator scenes took a lot of thought to show what a walk in looks like in pixel art to people who may not know what it looks like in real life.
Comedy Writing and Pixel Art Coming Together
The unrealistic expectations that upper management can put on the day to day management is a real thing. We use Beth to show how frustrating that experience can be for the front line employees and managers. One of the great things about pixel art, is that there is no room for excessive detail. It gets straight to the point. In this regard, we literally drew Beth in the raw essence of her emotions.
Most Fun to Create
Beth writing “REALLY” to Pizza Bros Sux in the back room was really funny to write and illustrate! This is what everyone really wants to do when they work at a horrible job.