Yes. This story happened in real life, so how could you not turn it into a story in your pixel art comic book? The real “boxer bob” was totally chill and didn’t give 2 craps that anyone say him in his underwear. He ordered every week so it wasn’t a surprise. One day the real “boxer bob” answered the door fully clothed and it was a shock!
There really were no major difficulties creating any of the pixel art for this episode of Pizza Bros. Ed’s sweat and Boxer Bob’s boxers were different, but not difficult to create.
Comedy Writing and Pixel Art Coming Together
Jenny standing up to Ed and giving him sass was fun to write and create as pixel art. It’s what the real life “Jenny” would have done too.
Most Fun to Create
Jenny sticking her tongue out at the guys behind the store was the most fun to create. From Steve and Dennis’ perspective, they were trying to protect Jenny. From Jenny’s perspective, she could defend herself and wanted to make $20!